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  • 執筆者の写真K.Matsui

why i'm here

【given life】

You probably have memories of your childhood.

Dad's big back, mom's warm hands.

The view from the top of the white sofa is exceptional.

The carpeted field in the living room was your world.

But you weren't the one who prepared that environment.

You couldn't choose "father/mother".

In fact, even your birth into this world is not your choice.

Years later, as you hit puberty, you might have said to your parents:

"I don't remember asking you to give birth to me. I wish I hadn't been born in a place like this!"

It's a big shock for parents.

Furthermore, if the parent rushes back and says, "We wanted to meet you," they will reply, "Then I was born because of my parents!"

Indeed, it is true that your existence was not of your own volition, but was forced upon you.

Who gave it to you?

children can't choose their parents

【Who painted your life?】

As you grow, you will have more and more opportunities to judge your own actions.

Before long, as a “parent,” you will realize that “I was born like this, too.”

The act of a parent giving birth to a child is because the "instinct" programmed in the DNA is activated, and the reason "I wanted to see you" may be true or an afterthought.

"Instinct" is governed by the "first brain" and "second brain" and is in your "unconscious" area.

The body, including the "brain", is a physical existence that was developed and constructed by the blueprint of your DNA.

DNA is also a physical entity, and all physical entities cause various phenomena according to the laws of physics.

Life is one of them.

By the way, since "one universe", which is a part of the multiverse, is a deterministic universe, the entire history that occurs in that universe is fixed at the moment of its existence.

Therefore, from a perspective outside of YOU, there is no room for FREE WILL in your life.

In other words, it's not you or your parents that "map your life", but the laws of physics...

However, in this blog, we consider the multiverse to be a superimposed state of ∞ patterns of the universe, so “your life” is also a superimposed state of ∞ patterns.

Therefore, from the viewpoint of "your consciousness", there will be room for "free will" to choose "which pattern" to proceed.

If so, it is YOU who is "painting your life".

Also, even before “your consciousness” is established, your parents who are the precursors of “you” choose the birth of “you”, and furthermore, the grandparents who are the precursors of “your parents”. You are choosing birth, and the chain goes back to the beginning of "the universe you live in."

In other words, the life of "you" was not given forcibly, and it can be said that "your sprout", which was still only a precursor, chose the birth of "you".

【why are you here now?】

This question contains two questions.

First, why is the space-time constraint of "here and now" imposed? question.

The answer to this has already been considered.

In other words, the nature of “consciousness,” which is the device through which you see this world, is “progressive in one direction in time and localized in space and time,” trapping you in the “here and now.”

The second is ①Why "now" instead of "another time"?

       ②Why "here" instead of "somewhere else"?

       ③Why "this universe" instead of "another universe"?

       ④Why is it "I" instead of "someone else"? is the question.

The world of physical reality, which is the realm of the "unconscious", has "non-locality" and is a world without "now" or "here" in terms of time and place.

When your "consciousness" cuts out this world, who decided the "here and now" based on what criteria?

Since "your body" is a pure substance, in the deterministic "one universe", if the coordinates of the time axis are determined, the coordinates of the space occupied by "your body" are also determined at the same time.

Therefore, "now" and "here" can be considered as a set.

So let's go ahead and think about it.

For example, let's imagine that "your life" in "the universe you live in" is "sliced" into the smallest time unit and arranged horizontally in the image of <..> in chronological order.

Just like you carve a baguette every morning.

In every "sliced ​​baguette" there is one "you".

Each “you” will say:

"Why am I here now and not some other time or some other place?"

"You" in each part of the "carved baguette" asserts that the time and place to which you belong is "here and now".

Next, let's arrange this vertically with the image of <:>.

At this time, one of each baguette represents "the universe you live in" and the others represent "other pattern universes".

In other words, it is exactly the same universe as "the universe you live in", but there is a "patterned universe in which the time axis is shifted little by little" in a "state of superposition".

Even at this time, the claim of each "you" in each baguette does not change.

In other words, the three questions (1), (2), and (3) are essentially the same.

And which one of the many baguettes has "here and now" of "you" is determined when "your consciousness" is activated.

However, this representation reverses the actual mechanism and order.

In this expression, "your consciousness" is a phenomenon before "your body".

Many people who think about this issue seem to be confused because they got this "order" wrong.

Let's be more precise.

First of all, it starts from where "your body" exists in one of the baguettes.

You don't yet know which baguette it is.

Next, "your consciousness" manifests from "your body" that exists there.

Only then will ``you'' know which baguette ``your body'' was in.

In other words, the “here and now” of “you” is the “whereabouts” of “your body,” and it is not something that someone chooses and decides.

"Your consciousness" that emerges from "your body" cannot exist apart from "your body".

Therefore, the "here and now" that it points to is nothing other than the "whereabouts" of "your body." There is no such thing as "another time," "another place," or "another universe."

This is the answer to questions 1, 2, and 3.

However, if that is the case, then the “place of the body” is decided from the beginning.

Even though it is a substance with "non-locality".

What does that mean?

This is a "point of view" issue.

From the viewpoint of the "superposition state", which is the standard of "Multiverse", "you" is also in the superposition state, and it was not possible to identify its whereabouts.

However, from the point of view in the "one universe" that is part of the "multiverse", "you" are alone and your whereabouts are specified.

Even if "consciousness" does not manifest itself in this world, "multiverse" and "single universe" still exist, and we can think about each perspective.

How should we think about question 4?

In fact, the realm of "your unconscious" is "non-local" and neither time nor place can be specified, so in that sense "you" may possibly become anyone.

However, as mentioned above, ``your consciousness'' and its continuum, ``your ego'', do not exist apart from ``your body''.

"Consciousness/ego" that emerges from "your body" can only be "you".

Or is it not possible that ``you'' was not ``your body'' but another ``someone else's body''? "If the question meant that, the story would be different."

"You" in this question does not mean the "you" that appeared in the previous discussion.

Until now, "you" was based on the premise that "you have one body".

However, the ``you'' in this question is the ``you'' that is established without first having a ``body''.

A “you” who does not have a “body” should have neither “consciousness” nor “ego”.

Even if such a “you” existed and entered “someone’s body” different from the original “your body”, the “you” without “consciousness” and “ego” would not be able to can't remember

And "you" should recognize "someone's body" that "you" entered as "your body" from the beginning without knowing the circumstances.

In other words, the possibility of "you" being "someone else" that is not "you" is the same regardless of whether it exists or not.

It's an interesting area, but it doesn't seem to matter for now.

Maybe you, too, were “someone else” until yesterday.

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